A product may be backordered if we are unable to fulfill part of your order. Credit cards will be charged at the time of purchase. We will make every effort to provide an accurate ship date. You will be informed by email if the expected ship date of your item(s) change.
Item(s) will be shipped as soon as they become available without additional shipping and handling charges.
How can I check the status of my backorder?
Registered users can check the status of a backordered item by clicking on My Account and signing in to view order information. The expected availability date can be found in the Order Updates section of the order page until the item is available for shipment.
Can I make a change or cancel my backorder?
Sorry, we are unable to make changes to backordered items. Please contact us at to cancel a backordered item and we will assist you with your request.
When will my backorder ship?
Items will be shipped as soon as they become available. An email will be sent containing the estimated ship date of your backordered items.